Introduction to Engineering Analysis (SCIE 1180)
This course introduces students to problem modeling and simulation in engineering practice using one of the main engineering simulation tools - MATLAB. The course will present the basics of MATLAB programming, including MATLAB's data types, flow control, writing external functions, etc. Using MATLAB, students will learn to implement and analyze various methods and techniques of data analysis applied to real-world examples from a range of engineering disciplines, such as signal and image processing, communications engineering, robotics, etc. At the same time, engineering examples will attempt to illustrate how the concepts from the first-year math courses (Calculus 1 and 2, Applied Linear Algebra) are actually used in engineering practice.
Course code: SCIE 1180
Credits: 3.0
Tuition: $0
Length: 60.0 hours
Course outline:
MATH 1100 or equivalent; CMPT 1010 or equivalent; MATH 1221 or equivalent.
No schedule is currently available. Please check again later.
Additional Information
- MATLAB programming environment
- Strings, scripts and functions
- Flow control - if, switch, for, while
- Plotting - 2D, 3D, vector field visualization
- File access - Excel files, media files, file access at bit- and character-level
- Real and complex vectors, matrices, and matrix-vector operations
- Solving systems of linear equation
- Engineering statistics and data analysis - sample mean, variance, correlation analysis, linear regression, error analysis
- Polynomial approximation and curve fitting
- Root finding, numerical differentiation, and Newton-Raphson method
- Numerical integration - rectangular (Euler), trapezoidal, Simpson method
- Eigen-analysis and matrix factorization
- Writing MEX files, introduction to selected toolboxes and/or Simulink
This course is offered as part of a VCC program only.
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* The amount shown is the approximate cost of tuition (for courses with tuition) or fees (for courses that do not have tuition).
Tuition and Fees are approximate and subject to change. Students are required to pay any applicable fee increases. Fees listed are for domestic students. For international programs, visit VCC International.
† This information is intended as a guideline only. Program and course details are subject to change with the approval of VCC's Board of Governors.