Engineering, Technology and Society (SCIE 1100)
This course provides an introduction to the practice of engineering, surveying its history and its current state. The social and political aspects of engineering decisions will be illustrated by a number of case studies. The course also includes examples related to the field of computer science.
Course code: SCIE 1100
Credits: 3.0
Tuition: $0
Length: 60.0 hours
Course outline:
Pre-calculus 12 with a minimum 'C+' grade or equivalent; one of Physics 12, Chemistry 12 or Biology 12 with a minimum 'C+' grade or equivalent; SCIE 1110 taken prior or concurrently. No schedule is currently available. Please check again later.
Additional Information
- History of Engineering
- Engineering and the Environment
- Engineering and Development
- Engineering and the Environment
- Engineering Management
- Engineering Design, Decision Making and Prototyping
- Sustainability and Life Cycle
- Engineering Modelling
- Harm and Engineering Ethics
- Information and Communication
- Chaos and Order
- Artificial Intelligence
This course is offered as part of a VCC program only.
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* The amount shown is the approximate cost of tuition (for courses with tuition) or fees (for courses that do not have tuition).
Tuition and Fees are approximate and subject to change. Students are required to pay any applicable fee increases. Fees listed are for domestic students. For international programs, visit VCC International.
† This information is intended as a guideline only. Program and course details are subject to change with the approval of VCC's Board of Governors.