Preparatory Music Theory 1 (MUSC 1013)
Preparatory Music Theory 1 is the first of a two-course sequence that introduces beginners to music rudiments and the basics of music theory. In level 1 students learn the fundamentals of reading and writing rhythms, reading and writing pitches in Treble and Bass clefs, intervals, Key signatures, scale construction, and triad construction.
Course code: MUSC 1013
Credits: 2.0
Tuition: $0
Length: 45.0 hours
Course outline:
Campus: Broadway
It is highly recommended (but not required) that students also take MUSC 1011 Preparatory Musicianship 1 and MUSC 1054 Preparatory Class Piano 1 concurrently. No schedule is currently available. Please check again later.
Additional Information
- Bass and Treble Clefs
- Time Signatures and Rhythmic Notation Conventions
- Pitch Naming Conventions
- Identifying Written Melodic and Harmonic Intervals
- Writing Simple Melodies
- Key Signatures
- Circle of Fifths
- Major and Minor Keys
- Scale Construction
- Triad Construction
This course is offered as part of a VCC program only.
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* The amount shown is the approximate cost of tuition (for courses with tuition) or fees (for courses that do not have tuition).
Tuition and Fees are approximate and subject to change. Students are required to pay any applicable fee increases. Fees listed are for domestic students. For international programs, visit VCC International.
† This information is intended as a guideline only. Program and course details are subject to change with the approval of VCC's Board of Governors.