LINC 3 Full Time (LINC 0603F)
LINC 3 is offered to new immigrants and Permanent Residents of Canada. Students study at Canadian Language Benchmark 3 for listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course content helps students gain knowledge about community resources and life in Canada, and helps students build confidence and independence in their ability to access services and participate in Canadian society. Language skills are developed in a task based and interactive way making use of 'real life' materials and situations in the community, workplace and school settings. In addition, students learn to develop strategic competence in their language learning and life goals. Essential skills such as inter-cultural skills, working with others, and following instructions are integrated into the curriculum.
Course code: LINC 0603F
Credits: 0.0
Tuition: $0
Length: 264.0 hours
Course outline:
Three Level 2 Benchmarks as determined by a CLB placement test or a LINC course completion with recommendation to enter Level 3. No schedule is currently available. Please check again later.
Additional Information
- Canada
- Clothing, shopping
- Education, classroom and library
- Employment, occupations, rights and safety
- Food, restaurants and fast food, supermarket shopping, table talk
- Getting Around, cars and drivers, places in the community, public transit
- Health and Safety, 911 Emergencies, ailments and minor injuries, dentist, doctor, pharmacy
- Healthy Living, fitness, sports and healthy living, hobbies, interests and pass times
- Housing, dealing with landlords and neighbours, renting, shopping for household items
- Money and Banking, banking and bank machines, coins, bills and amounts
- Personal Information
- Socializing, parties celebrations and invitations
- Telephone, managing calls and messages
This course is offered as part of a VCC program only.
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* The amount shown is the approximate cost of tuition (for courses with tuition) or fees (for courses that do not have tuition).
Tuition and Fees are approximate and subject to change. Students are required to pay any applicable fee increases. Fees listed are for domestic students. For international programs, visit VCC International.
† This information is intended as a guideline only. Program and course details are subject to change with the approval of VCC's Board of Governors.