Capstone (CYBR 2404)

Through this Capstone course, students will integrate the theory and practical skills gained throughout the program to craft a comprehensive cybersecurity project plan and present a persuasive business case, applicable to real-world scenarios. Students will apply essential project management elements and tailor cybersecurity policies to suit various organizational functions in alignment with compliance requirements and industry standards. Students will evaluate and select cybersecurity tools and solutions that best align with an organization's GRC needs and assess their impact. Additionally, students will enhance their critical skills of auditing and continuous improvement.
Course code: CYBR 2404
Credits: 4.0
Length: 100.0 hours
Course outline: view


CYBR 1201, CYBR 1202, CYBR 1203, CYBR 2301, CYBR 2304.


CYBR 2402.

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