Governance of Enterprise IT (CYBR 2402)

Governance of Enterprise IT equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively govern an organization's IT resources and align them with business strategy and objectives. The course covers critical topics, such as IT governance frameworks and standards, strategy alignment, risk management, resource management, performance measurement, compliance, information security, and change management. Students will learn how to develop, implement, and maintain a robust IT governance program in an organization, ensuring that IT investments deliver maximum value and support organizational goals. Throughout the course, students will apply their knowledge to real-world business scenarios, culminating in a final project in which they develop and present a comprehensive IT governance plan.
Course code: CYBR 2402
Credits: 3.0
Length: 55.0 hours
Course outline: view


CYBR 2302, CYBR 2303.


CYBR 2404.

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