Notice: Scheduled water shutdown at Broadway campus

March 8-9

Paying Application Fees

Application fee payment confirmation is required before an application can be processed. Pay VCC international application fees using a credit card when applying online on EPBC (Education Planner BC).


Paying Tuition and Deposits

VCC International Education only accepts payments made via Flywire.

Refunds are issued directly back to the payer in the method used to make the payment. We highly recommend that only students make payments directly to VCC to ensure that in the event of a refund, the funds are refunded directly back to the student.

Tuition deposit payments received by VCC via any method other than Flywire will be rejected and returned to the sender. Returned tuition deposits will have Administrative Fees and Wire Transfer Fees deducted from the returned amount. Seats in VCC programs are only held for students who make their tuition deposit payments via VCC's accepted payment methods.

Flywire Pay Now button

Paying from Outside of Canada

Students can make an international payment through VCC's Flywire payment portal by a method of their choice, depending on the country.

Paying from Canada

Students with Canadian funds may pay their tuition and fees from a Canadian bank using the Flywire Interac e-Transfer option. The payment methods include the following:

Payments-alert-icon-40Refund processing time delay if the payer is not the student:

If a refund is requested and deemed eligible, there may be a delay in the refund processing time if the fees were initially made by someone who is not the student. For the current refund processing time, refer to the Refund Processing Time page.


Payment Receipts

Students may request receipts upon successful payments.

Receipts for Tuition Deposit Payments

Students are requested to pay tuition deposits via Flywire. Students can download the official VCC receipts from Flywire to use for Study Permit applications.

Receipts for Other Fee Payments

Students may request official VCC receipts by emailing


Late and Unpaid Fees

Late and unpaid fees are subject to late payment charges. If you no longer wish to continue in your program or course, you must formally drop/withdraw to avoid changes. All course and/or program drops and withdrawals must be made in writing to the International Education Office using the Withdrawal Request Form.

Students are responsible for the accuracy of their registration at VCC. Students are responsible for all outstanding fees if they do not pay all required fees and withdraw from courses/programs by the required deadlines.

For more details, refer to the C.1.6 Registration Policy Procedures policy.