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Apply Online FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about applying to VCC through EducationPlannerBC.


Q1. How do I apply online to Vancouver Community College (VCC)?

Review the Application Availability Page first, and only apply if the status shows "Apply Now" based on your study permit status.

  1. Create an account on EducationPlannerBC (EPBC) and fill in your personal information. Review how to apply on EPBC if you need help.
  2. Start a new application by selecting Vancouver Community College
  3. Click on "Create Application"
  4. Select "International Applicant"
  5. Choose the level of study, program, and term
  6. Provide additional information and documents required
  7. Click on "Review & Submit"
  8. Pay the application fee by credit card* only ($145, non-refundable). 
  9. Submit your Application. Changes after application submission cannot be made within EducationPlannerBC. Email to make changes if necessary.
  10. Check your email inbox for a copy of the receipt from Check the most updated application processing time, and wait for VCC to contact you about the next steps.

*Refer to Credit Card and Payment Questions. If further help is needed, please contact EPBC Help.


Q2. Can I apply online for any VCC program listed on the Availability Page?

Many popular programs and selection programs may close applications earlier. To find out if a program is accepting applications, check the Application Availability page, and only apply if the status shows "Apply Now" based on your study permit status. If a program is offered to international students but is not shown on EducationPlannerBC (EPBC), contact


Q3. How to properly enter ‘First Name’ and ‘Last name’ on my EPBC profile as per my country’s passport?

For most countries, the way to determine the naming convention between legal surnames and given names is by referring to the bottom of the passport. There you will see the three letters representing the country the passport is from (e.g., VNM(Vietnam); CHN (China), etc.) and the person’s legal surname. The break between legal surnames and given names are separated by a double arrow (>>) symbol. For example:

  • VNMNGUYEN<<GIA<HUY<<<<<<” the double arrow symbol between “NGUYEN” and “GIA” establishes “NGUYEN” as the legal surname and “GIA HUY” as the given names, which would generally be placed in the “Legal First Name” field.
    • Passport - Full Name: Nguyen Gia Huy
    • EPBC profile entry: Nguyen (Last Name), Gia Huy (First Name)
  • CHNCHUNG<<KWOK<SUM<<<<<<” the double arrow symbol between “CHUNG” and “KWOK” establishes “CHUNG” as the legal surname and “KWOK SUM” as the given names, which would generally be placed in the “Legal First Name” field.
    • Legal Surname: CHUNG
    • Legal First Name: KWOK SUM
    • EPBC profile entry: CHUNG (Last Name), KWOK SUM (First Name)


Q4. If I only have a Surname (Last Name) on my passport, how do I enter my 'First Name' and 'Last Name' on my EPBC account profile? 

Follow the name entry guidelines below, which are consistent with the instructions from IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada).

  • If you only have one first/given name: enter this as your "Last Name". For your "First Name", enter an apostrophe ('). For example:
    • Legal Surname: n/a (blank)
    • Legal First Name: Aman
    • EPBC profile entry: Aman (Last Name), ' (First Name)
  • If you have more than one first/given name: enter the first given name as the "First Name". Enter the second and remaining given name(s) as the "Last Name". For example:
    • Legal Surname: n/a (blank)
    • Legal First Name: Aman Kaur
    • EPBC profile entry: Kaur (Last Name), Aman (First Name)


Q5. How do I upload documents with my EPBC application?

In Step 6 of the application, you will be required to upload documents for different categories such as Passport photo page, Educational documents, Proof of English Proficiency, Study Permit (if applicable), and other requirements (if applicable). Please note that only one document can be uploaded per category. If you have more than one document for each category, you must combine pages of the related documents for each category into one PDF document file.


Q6. If I have met the program’s English entrance requirements through my high school or post-secondary education, do I still need to upload a document in the "Proof of English Proficiency" category on my EPBC application?

We will assess your English proficiency from your high school or post-secondary transcripts if they are from English-speaking countries. You do not need to upload anything else in this category.

However, if you do not meet the accepted equivalencies, you must submit additional documents in the "Proof of English Proficiency" category. The documents can include an external English test result or a letter of acceptance from VCC’s partner language schools (ILAC or ILSC) for eligible programs.


Q7. If I have changed my legal name, and the name on my passport and educational documents do not match, what documents should I submit with my application?

Please upload your legal name change document with your passport photo page. Remember to combine them into one PDF document when uploading the file.


Q8. After I receive my EPBC application submission confirmation email, when will I get an update on my VCC application status?

Once your application is received and processed by VCC you will receive an email including your VCC ID number and instructions about how to check your application status. Check the Application Processing Time for updates. The application processing time is approximate and is estimated based on the date a complete application is received.


Q9. Can I apply for more than one program online?

Do not apply to more than one program online. After you apply for a program, wait for an admissions update. If you wish to change your program, you must re-apply. If there are two or more applications received for the same student, only one application will remain active, and the others will be withdrawn. Application fees are non-refundable


Q10. What if I want to change the program after I have applied through EPBC?

If you have an active application and wish to apply to a different program at VCC, you must first withdraw your current application before re-applying to the new program. Application fees are non-refundable and non-transferable among VCC programs. 


Q11. If I get waitlisted, how can I add a future intake to my application?

Applying to a future intake as soon as the application period is open may increase your chance of receiving an offer. You can request a new intake to be added to your application by emailing with your VCC ID, full Name, program name, and the term you want to add to your application. There is no additional charge to request a new intake as long as you have an active application. Please do not submit a new application online, because you will be required to pay the application fee again, and the application fee is not refundable.

However, if your application is withdrawn because the waitlist already expired, you will need to re-apply.


When to Apply 

Many high-demand programs fill quickly and may be closed shortly after the application period is open. Check When to Apply for more details to prepare in advance for your application.


Important Notice 

All program information including tuition and other fees, course/program content, length, admission requirements, prerequisites, start/end dates, postponements, and/or cancellation is subject to change without notice.  


Ready to apply online? Start with creating an account on EducationPlannerBC.