Last updated Tuesday, Feb. 4

All on-campus evening classes are cancelled. 

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Posted Tuesday, Feb. 4

On-campus classes cancelled on Tuesday, Feb. 4 due to weather conditions.

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Posted on December 16, 2022

Holiday greetings from VCC president Ajay Patel

President's Message Holiday Greetings

Dear VCC community,

In a few short weeks, we will be turning the page on this year and welcoming 2023. Before we break for the holidays, I would like to take this time to reflect on the past year and thank each of you for your valuable contributions.

There were many moments this year when I was filled with pride for our VCC community. From our students to faculty to staff, I saw so much dedication and hard work. There seemed to be a renewed purpose of learning, working and collaborating – and it has been exciting to see the rewards of our shared focus.

I want to thank our faculty for continuing to give our students a learning experience of the highest standard. To our staff and administrators I’d like to offer deep gratitude for your commitment to the college and its operations.

The world around us is changing quickly, but I am confident in how our VCC community will keep pace because of the care you show for each other. Let’s continue to support each other and make 2023 another memorable one for VCC.

Finally, however you choose to spend the holidays – with family or friends or new acquaintances – I hope it is true to your values, traditions and spirit. Celebrate safely. Be well. Take care of each other, especially those whose loved ones are absent or far away.

On behalf of VCC’s Board of Governors and the Senior Team, I wish you a restful and restorative holiday season. I look forward to seeing you in the new year.


With gratitude,

Ajay Patel
President and CEO
Vancouver Community College