Last updated Tuesday, Feb. 4

All on-campus evening classes are cancelled. 

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Posted Tuesday, Feb. 4

On-campus classes cancelled on Tuesday, Feb. 4 due to weather conditions.

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Posted on March 26, 2021

Five reasons an IT career may be in your future

Man working in information technology (IT)

Information Technology (IT) is the backbone of the digital economy. From financial transactions and e-commerce to entertainment and raising awareness for social causes, our daily lives rely upon the successful provisioning, maintenance, and management of IT infrastructure.

IT specialists are in demand. Check out the top five reasons to launch your IT career at Vancouver Community College (VCC):

1. Employer-developed programs

VCC offers two programs to international students in the IT realm: Network Technology, Administration and Security Post-Degree Diploma (2 years) and Network Security Advanced Certificate (8 months). The programs were built with feedback from employers, subject matter experts, and students. Students will be ready to launch a career in IT with a strong foundation in computer hardware, software, networks, and security.

2. VCC grads are career-ready

B.C.’s technology sector is growing fast. There are an expected 4,700+ jobs openings for computer network technicians and user support technicians. There are no shortage of job opportunities, from help desk, to desk-side support, and into third level support for various areas of IT management. These are among the high-opportunity occupations in B.C. offering some of the best openings over the next 10 years.

3. VCC programs are hands-on 

At VCC, students are trained by engaging in experiential and hands-on learning to manage incidents and resolve issues related to IT Operations, including applications and infrastructure components.

4. Good money

IT technicians earn higher than average wages. According to WorkBC, the average wages in this sector are approximately 75 per cent higher than the B.C. industrial average.

5. There’s always something new 

VCC understands that IT is a forever-changing environment that offers incredible work experiences in a fast-paced atmosphere. Being able to produce new solutions and staying on the cutting-edge of technology is satisfying and rewarding. If you are a lifelong learner, IT is the career for you.

Find your future. Learn more about studying at VCC as an international student at an upcoming information session or our Experience VCC online open house.