Networking to Find the Job You Want

Date Day Time Room Location
April 8, 2025 Tuesday 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Online

Join these FREE, online Ready2Work International workshops to find the job you want!

Networking to get the job you want: This workshop is for any VCC international students, any of whom are eligible to register. Important: Complete this registration form to get the Zoom link for this workshop.

Workshop Description: Most jobs in Canada are not posted online. This is often called the hidden job market and is usually accessed through people you know or people you meet.

This workshop will cover:

• Basic networking skills

• Understanding the hidden job market

• Tips for informational interviews

• Using social media to network 


Pre-requisite - Attend one of these workshops:

• Introduction to Canadian Job Search OR Preparing for Canadian Job Application Success (previously called Canadian Job Application Essentials) Workshop etiquette and attendance: It is important to keep your camera on when attending this session, to encourage shared learning. You also need to actively participate in other ways such as offering comments and responding to questions in the chat or speaking up during discussions.   

Tip to get the most from this workshop: The best way to learn career readiness skills in a workshop is to actively participate (ask questions, participate in discussions, etc..) Think of this workshop as an online work meeting – show up on time, demonstrate active listening, keep your camera on if possible, be professional, etc.. Plus – you might impress a classmate or instructor who can refer or recommend you to an employer who is hiring.


Register for this event