Capstone Project (PIDP 3270)

During the Capstone Project, participants will reflect upon the themes and concepts, key insights and points of learning from each PIDP course and how they understand the integration of these insights in terms of their own work. The participants will develop and deepen the reflection of their personal experiences in the program and the implications for their practice, and articulate a personal teaching philosophy. Last, the participants will design, deliver, digitally record and self-assess a 45-90 minute lesson which will be delivered in a real setting.

This is a self-paced course in which participants work on their own, in consultation with their PIDP Advisor, to complete the course requirements.
Course code: PIDP 3270
Credits: 3.0
Length: 90.0 hours
Course outline: view


Completion of 27 credits in the Provincial Instructor Diploma.

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