English for Academic & Workplace Access 7 (DHHE 0607)

English for Academic & Workplace Access focuses on effective communication in ASL and English in personal, academic, and workplace contexts within an expanding range of moderate complexity. Learners differentiate and produce a variety of genre types used in these contexts.

By the end of this course, learners will be able to meet the outcomes at CLB 7 in the “Profiles of Ability” columns of the competency outcomes and standards listed in the “Canadian Language Benchmarks.”
Course code: DHHE 0607
Credits: 15.0
Length: 255.0 hours
Course outline: view https://www.vcc.ca/vccphp/courseoutline?subject=DHHE&number=0607
Campus: Broadway Broadway


DHHE 0606, or department placement interview indicating competency in CLB 6.

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