Spring 2025 music concerts

Feel the sense of belonging and community that live music can bring to college life. Discover new beats and incredible talent of our VCC Music students and community ensembles at one or all of these free concerts at the Broadway campus. All performances begin at 7 p.m.
March 31
Gamelan ensemble
Discover the origins of Bali and Indonesia through the percussive sounds of the gamelan
April 1
Indigenous Vocal Ensemble, VCC Concert Choir, and Willan Choir
Join the VCC Concert Choir, VCC Willan Choir and Indigenous Vocal Ensemble for evening of diverse choral music.
April 2
Great Northern Way, Mount Pleasant Brass, New Music Ensemble
Come to hear the sculpting and playing with sounds, within gestures and figures, graphic scores and ever-changing sonic landscapes.
April 3
Jazz Repertory Ensemble and Bigger Band Ensemble
Listen to the jubilant sounds of jazz music, including inspiring solos and tight-knit arrangements.
Tune into your talent. Learn more about where a VCC Music program can take you.