Disability Services
General Information

Access means more than getting through the door.
We take access seriously and are committed to making VCC accessible to students with disabilities. Some VCC students with disabilities study in specialized programs, while others are enrolled in regular programs.
In addition to course and program planning assistance, orientation to the college, and ongoing learning assistance, VCC provides specialized services on an individual basis. Disability services can provide support such as exam accommodation, job search assistance and community resource referrals.
Access to equipment and Braille or taped class material is also available, as well as interpreting services for classes, events, and study situations.
To access these services, students must first meet with a Disability Counsellor to discuss their needs. Together, they will review the student’s medical documentation and the Disability Counsellor will advise if additional documentation is needed. Some services require advanced planning and students are encouraged to make an appointment in advance of the term start, up to four months before classes begin.