Messages from the President
President's statement on the missing children of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools

A message from VCC president Ajay Patel
The disturbing news of the remains in unmarked graves recovered by the Cowessess First Nation at the former Marieval Indian Residential School is another sad and stark reminder of the real horror that continues for Indigenous residential school survivors and their families. I know this an extremely difficult time.
This news is deeply emotional for the VCC community, especially our Elders, Indigenous learners, and employees. We are heartbroken and grieving with our Indigenous community and those across the country impacted by the continuing traumas inflicted by our collective history. Our work towards Truth and Reconciliation is far from over.
Indigenous peoples have long known about trauma of residential schools. The magnitude of the damage and lasting impact that the residential school system continues to have on their families, communities, and culture cannot be understated. We all have to face the truth of our history, not just acknowledge it.
I know that VCC is resilient in our commitment to the work of Truth and Reconciliation. I encourage all of our community to read the calls to action in the Honouring the Truth Reconciling for the Future report.
For those who need to talk or get support the National Residential School Crisis Line for former students can be accessed 24-Hours a day at: 1-866-925-4419.
Ajay Patel
President and CEO
Vancouver Community College