Messages from the President


Posted on March 20, 2020

A personal message from Ajay Patel, VCC Interim President

 Watch an American Sign Language (ASL) version of this message


Dear VCC Community,

Over the last week we have experienced unprecedented times in our society as a result of COVID-19. From cancellations of gatherings to social distancing to closing of our borders. The pace of the change and directives from government and health authorities continues to have impacts on every part of our society.

I want to thank all of the VCC employees for their cooperation and support as we navigate the ongoing sudden and disruptive shifts. I am proud of how our college pulled together to support our students and each other while keeping safe and healthy. The last week has not been easy for anyone. I know the uncertainty and concern for yourself and loved ones has been stressful for all of you. The coming weeks will likely continue to be the same.

During these tough situations you have shown our ability to work collaboratively, display your compassion for each other and those around us, exhibiting your creativity in supporting all students in their education (instruction and support services) and reflecting our VCC values. We need this to continue.

To our students. COVID-19 is a defining moment in your lives. We are very much aware the impact this situation has had on your education, your daily lives and many other strains it has caused. At VCC, we are committed to continuing to support you with the tools we have to ensure your education journey is safe and has the least amount of disruption. We appreciate everyone’s patience during these unusual times.

I would also like to take this opportunity to extend VCC’s sincere appreciation to our health care professionals. A good number of you are our graduates. You, above all, are the heroes as we battle COVID-19. It is because of each and every one of you that we are fortunate to have the world’s best health care.

Many of you will remember Clifton Taulbert from VCC day. On Wednesday I received a very fitting quote from him. “Humans have been uniquely gifted to build and sustain community among the peoples of the world in good times and in bad times. The gifting exists, but the choice to manifest the gift is always ours to make.”

COVID-19 has transcended all borders. As we continue to grapple with the uncertainty before us, we need to continue to work together to get through this challenge and I am confident we will be a stronger and more resilient community!



Ajay Patel

President and CEO (Interim)
Vancouver Community College