American Sign Language 1 (SIGN 1100)

The aim of this course is to develop the student's proficiency in the understanding and use of ASL vocabulary and grammatical structure. The student will learn basic grammatical features of ASL in a natural context during various communicative activities & daily interactions, using a functional approach. The student will also be introduced to non-manual signals including the use of ASL mouthing. Reinforcement or tutorial sessions will be conducted during lab sessions.
Course code: SIGN 1100
Credits: 6.0
Length: 120.0 hours
Course outline: view


1) English 12 with C or equivalent, or English Language Proficiency at an English 12 level, or equivalent AND 2) SIGN 1000 or equivalent OR 3) Admission to the ASL & Deaf Studies program.


SIGN 1200, SIGN 1300, SIGN 1400 and SIGN 1500.

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