Inclusive Online Instruction: Theory to Practice (PIDP 3370)

"Inclusive Online Teaching: Theory to Practice" is designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to foster inclusive learning environments in an online learning environment. Participants will explore theoretical frameworks and methodologies to effectively support diverse learners in online settings. They will learn to recognize principles of equity, diversity, and inclusivity into the design, development, and facilitation of online courses. Additionally, participants will use established quality assurance methods to assess online courses, enabling them to formulate actionable recommendations to enhance effectiveness and inclusivity.
Course code: PIDP 3370
Credits: 2.0
Length: 30.0 hours
Course outline: view


PIDP 3370 schedule for programs:

Course dates and times may vary throughout the term. Select the CRN number below to see a full schedule.
CRN # Dates Day/Time/Location Instructor
61835June 2, 2025
to July 13, 2025
  See full schedule
  Delivery: Online with Scheduled Classes
  Location: Online
Harrison, Jacqueline

Additional Information

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Quality Assurance Standards, Universal Design for Learning, Community of Inquiry, Indigenous ways of knowing,

1. Actual curriculum products / portfolio created and used by the applicant in their workplace which are judged equivalent to the curriculum documents required in the PIDP 3370 course assignments.
2. A successful interview with the SIE Department Head or one of the full-time SIE faculty.
3. An essay in which the applicant describes the development of their thinking related to the themes, issues, and concepts of the PIDP 3370 course.

This course is offered as part of a VCC program only.

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