Creative Music Improvisation 2 (MUSC 3217)

A course for advanced improvisers of an approved level of development. This course consists of in-depth exploration of idiomatic repertoire and development of non-idiomatic language. Fundamental vocabularies and mental skills are emphasized.
Course code: MUSC 3217
Credits: 2.0
Length: 40.0 hours
Course outline: view


MUSC 3117 or audition.


MUSC 3217 schedule for programs:

Course dates and times may vary throughout the term. Select the CRN number below to see a full schedule.
CRN # Dates Day/Time/Location Instructor
42224January 6, 2025
to April 25, 2025
  See full schedule
  Delivery: In Person
  Location: VCC Broadway Building A
Houle, Francois

Additional Information

  • Investigation of musical parameters and advanced concepts of non-idiomatic improvisation
    Introduction to extended instrumental techniques required for improvisation
    Scale/Chord relationships, alternative modes and harmonic concepts
    Overview of historical paradigm shifts in jazz history, with a focus on post-1960s avant-garde
    European and other non-American forms of improvisation
    Investigation of new contemporary improvisational practices
    Conducting improvisation with sign/body language (’Conduction’ or ’Comprovisation’)
    Graphic scores and other alternative notational strategies
    Psychology of improvised performance
    Use of electronics/software for Performances and Recording

Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) recognizes that students may have attained significant learning at a post-secondary level from experiences outside the formal post-secondary education system. The Music Department, in collaboration with the VCC Registrar’s Office, may grant credit to students who can demonstrate learning that equates to the learning outcomes and objectives of the course. Music students who request PLAR must:

1. Pass a written examination with a minimum grade of 80%, and/or
2. Complete a Performance Assessment, and
3. Complete a successful interview with the Music Department Leader and one other regularized music faculty member

This course is offered as part of a VCC program only.

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