LINC 6 Employment Skills (LINC 0626)

This course is designed for students in level 6 to develop their knowledge about the Canadian employment environment. The course content helps students gain knowledge about applicable community resources and helps students build confidence and independence in their ability to participate in the Canadian labour market. Applicable language skills are developed in a task-based and interactive way, making use of 'real life' resources and situations in workplace settings. In addition, students learn to develop strategic competence in their language learning and work goals. Essential skills such as inter-cultural skills, working with others, and following instructions are integrated into the curriculum. The course relies on needs assessment done at the start of each term and on-going through the term.
Course code: LINC 0626
Credits: 0.0
Length: 132.0 hours
Course outline: view


LINC 0605H, or equivalent, or department permission.
No schedule is currently available. Please check again later.

Additional Information

  • Topics will change dependent on ongoing needs assessments
  • Employment Goal Setting
  • Resume writing
  • Job-search Techniques including the value of Volunteering
  • Email etiquette
  • Socio-cultural competency skills to consider in work-place conversations
  • Interviews
  • Applying for a Job

This course is offered as part of a VCC program only.

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