Lifestyle and Choices (HRCA 1103)
This course introduces students to a holistic concept of health and the components of health-enhancing lifestyle. Students will be invited to reflect on their own experience of health, recognizing challenges and resources that can impact lifestyle choices. Students will be introduced to a model that can be applied in other courses to understand the multi-faceted aspects of health and healing.
Course code: HRCA 1103
Credits: 1.5
Tuition: $0
Length: 30.0 hours
Course outline:
ELSK 0701, HRCA 1105, HRCA 1120, HRCA 1122, HRCA 1130, HRCA 1140. No schedule is currently available. Please check again later.
Additional Information
- 1. Understanding Health.
2. Components of Health.
3. Lifestyle Change.
This course is offered as part of a VCC program only.
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* The amount shown is the approximate cost of tuition (for courses with tuition) or fees (for courses that do not have tuition).
Tuition and Fees are approximate and subject to change. Students are required to pay any applicable fee increases. Fees listed are for domestic students. For international programs, visit VCC International.
† This information is intended as a guideline only. Program and course details are subject to change with the approval of VCC's Board of Governors.