Computer Applications 12 (COMP 0970)

Students will complete 2 of the following modules for ABE Provincial Level Computer Applications 12.

Word Processing: This course provides students with the basic knowledge and skills to use Microsoft Word, including advanced techniques in text editing, character and paragraph formatting, headers and footers, tables, styles and templates, mail merges, graphics and desktop publishing concepts.

Spreadsheet Management: This course provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to use advanced spreadsheet data entry and formatting techniques. Students apply statistical, financial and decision-making functions, cell protection and data validation. Students create macros to automate worksheet management.

Database Management: This course is designed to show students the concepts of database management using Microsoft Access. Students will learn how to create relational database tables, backup and repair the database, view data through queries, perform data editing with screen forms and generate formal output in a variety of report formats. On completion of this course students will be able to create a functional database system. Students will explore ethical and social issues of database use.

Digital Art and Graphics: This course introduces tools and procedures required for digital art and graphic design. Basic terminology of digital images and file formats will be introduced. Students will begin their study of digital art using photo editing software (GIMP, Photoshop). Photo editing will introduce students to design software and familiarize them with common functions of design software such as movement, selection, and colour manipulation.

Computer Programming: This course introduces students to the topic of Computer Programming. Students will learn the basic syntax of a popular programming language (Java, python, or C++). Students will learn how to approach and solve problems using basic procedural solutions (one-dimensional arrays, non-nested loops, minimal nested conditionals, no recursion) that demonstrate understanding of the fundamental concepts of programming.
Course code: COMP 0970
Credits: 4.0
Length: 192.0 hours
Course outline: view


Grade 10 English or equivalent.

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