lady working on her computer

Transformative Learning Info session

Meet instructors and get your questions answered.

Inspire change.

From business to sustainability to self-care, VCC’s Transformative Learning courses are designed to help people see with new eyes and go forth into the world with a stronger vision.

Attend an info session to learn about course content, scheduling, and to ask questions. Non-credit classes including Mindfulness for Stress Reduction, Work that Reconnects, Systems Thinking, Let’s Talk about Death, Urban Farming and Local Economies will be covered during this info session.

See our space

Take a look inside our campuses! Many VCC programs rely on specialized equipment and hands-on experiences, and we're working hard to keep students learning safely in our classrooms, labs, kitchens, and workshops.

Broadway campus

1155 East Broadway

Vancouver, B.C. V5T 4V5


Downtown campus

250 West Pender Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1S9