Posted on July 25, 2022

VCC offers new Award of Achievement in Production for Animation and VFX

Animation and VFX production team at work

Sit through the credits of any hit movie these days and you are extremely likely to see the name of a Vancouver-based visual effects (VFX) or computer animation studio. You’ll also notice the lists of production supervisors, managers, and coordinators are longer than ever.

The hotter Vancouver’s VFX and animation industry gets, the more of these production roles will need to be filled, which is why Vancouver Community College (VCC) is excited to launch a new Award of Achievement in Production for Animation and VFX in September 2022.

Whether aspiring VFX and animation production workers are hoping to advance within the industry or transfer skills from other areas, many have found that these roles require a unique set of management, communications, and leadership skills.

“Production is the backbone of any VFX or animation project,” says program instructor Shawn Solensky who has led VFX production teams on films like Aquaman, Star Wars Episode VIII, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and more.

People in production roles helps organize, schedule, and budget projects to ensure a film’s many creative ideas are visually realized. “Without production there is no film or TV show!” says Shawn. “You are part of the driving force in the team, and nowhere else can you find the satisfaction of bringing order to chaos in such a creative environment.”

Designed with the help of industry experts, VCC’s new Production in Animation and VFX program is both academically rigorous and based on the practical needs of local studios. Like most VCC programs, the curriculum emphasizes interactive and real-world learning and is delivered by instructors and guest speakers with valuable industry experience.

To be accessible as possible for working professionals, the Production in Animation and VFX program is broken into four part-time courses that may be taken as a group or spaced out as a student’s time and availability allow. To maximize convenience, all courses offer a combination of face-to-face and online sessions.

Production for Animation and VFX course list

Production Landscape: Animation & VFX (PRDN 1101)
20 hrs (12 lecture and 8 self-paced online)
Register now for Sept. 7, 2022 >

Project Management: Animation & VFX (PRDN 1103)
20 hrs (12 lecture and 8 self-paced online)
Register now for Oct. 5, 2022 >

Communications & Leadership: Animation & VFX (PRDN 1105)
20 hrs: (12 lecture and 8 self-paced online)
Register now for Nov. 2, 2022 >

Synthesis of Learning: Animation & VFX (PRDN 1107)
15 hrs (9 lecture and 6 self-paced online)
Register now for Nov. 30, 2022 >

Let’s chat more about your career in animation and VFX. Sign up now for an upcoming free info session.