Archive News 2022

Posted on February 17, 2022

Media Release

Material handling training at VCC

Warehouse material handling workers


Are you interested in earning $19-$25/hour as an entry level warehousing/logistics professional?

You may qualify for VCC’s fully funded Material Handling 4.0 training program

Program description

Material Handling 4.0 (MH 4.0) is a comprehensive nine-week training program that provides employability and vocational skills training to prepare participants for a variety of entry level warehouse roles. Training includes:

• Forklift Operations

• MSSC Certified logistics associate and technician training

• 21st Century Skills: Communication, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Information Literacy and Foundation and Skills for Life long Learning.

Funding for this program is provided by the Government of Canada through the Canada Future Skills Program.

Training schedule

Cohort 1: April 4 – June 3, 2022 

Cohort 2: June 6 – August 5, 2022 

(Schedule includes two weeks of work experience) 

Elegibility criteria

You may be eligible if you are:

  • 19 years or older

  • Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person legally entitled to work in Canada

  • living in British Columbia

  • not currently in high school, college or university

  • a non-high school grad with limited to no post-secondary education

  • facing multiple barriers to finding sustainable employment

 Priority will be given to clients from the following groups:

  • Participants from under served groups including youth, immigrants, indigenous peoples and other underrepresented and marganilzed groups.

and those who

  • Have no post secondary education
  • Are in receipt of Income Assistance

Important note: Participants must have access to a computer/laptop with high speed Internet and audio/video capabilities.

Fees and other costs

All tuition is covered and at no additional cost to the employer or individual participant.

Info sessions

Sign up for an online info session to learn more.

Program contact

Please email or call for more information.
Alena Worster, Program Assistant
