Archive News 2021

Posted on December 15, 2020

Q&A with James Strand: Discovering talent with Logic Pro X

Get to know James Strand, owner of In-Motion Talent, a successful agency in Vancouver for film, TV, and commercials for the last 25 years. James recently took the VCC course Logic Pro X: An introduction for songwriters and beat makers to support his company moving into the area of music placement and syncing. 

Share an interesting thing about your journey?
Music has always been a passion of mine and four years ago, I decided to take a leap of faith and learned to play piano and started to write music. I have been very fortunate in working with some very talented artists who opened my eyes to music and the possibilities out there. I guess you can say I am part of the “DNA club” (Dreams Never Age). 

What impact did your teachers at VCC have on your career path?
My instructor, Georges, taught me the fundamentals of Pro Logic X that allowed me to start programming music with confidence. This led me to writing and producing the song Cause it's Christmas that received radio play.

What was the best part about studying at VCC?
The evening hours and the small class size, hence the individual attention I got from the instructor.

How do you personally define success? 
I define success as surrounding myself with people who have the same drive and passion that I do, that allows me to make mistakes that will take me to a better place in work and life. 

What is your best piece of advice for someone starting out in this industry?
The best piece of advice that I could give is to be patient and to not rush things. 

Discover a new talent. VCC Continuing Studies courses are now accepting registrations for Winter 2021.