Archive News 2021

Posted on June 22, 2021

New Mechanical Engineering Technician program fills needs in B.C. industry

Woman inspecting engineering parts

Vancouver Community College (VCC) is pleased to announce a new program designed to meet the growing demand for mechanical drafters and 3D modellers in British Columbia.

Launching in September 2021, the Mechanical Engineering Technician program was designed in consultation with multiple industry partners and will be delivered by VCC’s CAD and BIM department.

According to CAD and BIM department head Bruce McGarvie, industrial firms have expressed a heightened need for two specific professions: process pipers and 3D modellers for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems.

In any industrial facility, there can be millions of kilometres of pipelines, carrying anything from water and air to fuel or industrial gases. The term process piping refers to the design and installation of these vast pipe networks.

Similarly, in today’s large residential developments, designing safe, efficient MEP systems requires advanced training and 3D modelling technology.

In developing the new program, VCC received direct input from the industry, notably design firms Bycar Engineering and AME Group as well as Wood PLC, Fluor Canada, and PML Professional Mechanical.

"These firms are expecting a large demand for technicians," says Bruce.

Program options

VCC’s new, 10-month Mechanical Engineering Technician program is available to both domestic and international students, and can also be taken as a speciality within VCC’s two-year CAD and BIM diploma program.

According to Bruce, CAD and BIM grads, alumni, and other professionals working in the construction and design industry can also look forward to exciting new part-time options in the near future, including courses in virtual reality (VR) for building design.

Learn more about the Mechanical Engineering Technician certificate program and apply now for September 2021.