Archive News 2021

Posted on March 26, 2021

May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust ensures students of all abilities continue learning during COVID-19

Student reading Braille

The Vancouver Community College (VCC) Foundation is pleased to recognize a 
new donation of $125,000 by the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust that supports VCC’s Adult Special Education programs and provides COVID-19 relief to Deaf, hard of hearing, and visually impaired students.   

Replicating a previous donation in support of VCC’s Adult Special Education programs, the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust is providing $100,000 over two years (2021-2022) to help VCC keep tuition one of the lowest for programs of this kind in Canada. The funds also help greatly in maintaining the variety and quality of VCC’s unique, job-focused training in areas such as food service, retail and hospitalitycomputersfinance management, and more.  

Advancing accessibility in remote learning 

This year, an additional $25,000 will help students in VCC’s Deaf and hard of hearing and visually impaired programs continue learning effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

VCC offers an extensive range of courses in Braille and using blindness-related technology, and is the only public institution in British Columbia to maintain in-house American Sign Language interpreting servicesAs a result, students frequently relocate to the Vancouver area from other regions to attend VCC. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic has limited in-person learning and access to campus-based equipment and services, many of our Deaf, hard of hearing, and visually impaired students have struggled to continue their studies. This additional funding from the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust will be used towards urgently needed technology and resources that are essential to students who are now learning remotely. 

The May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust is a U.S.-based non-profit that recognizes the dignity and potential of every individual. One of their top priorities is to strengthen supportive services for adults and youth with intellectual, developmental, or physical disabilities, enabling them to live independently, gain economic security through employment, and engage in their communities. 

Learn how you can support the success of all VCC students through the VCC Foundation.