Archive News 2021

Posted on February 1, 2021

Giving Tuesday campaign doubles December 2020 fundraising goal

VCC grad Neri Zano with daughter and graduation cap

The VCC Foundation is pleased to announce that the December 2020 Giving Tuesday campaign raised $23,000 in support for VCC students who have struggled financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This more than doubles the initial $10,000 donation-matching target.

Thanks to an additional holiday contribution from the Association of VCC Administrators (AVCCA), a total of $46,700 has been added to VCC's COVID-19 Emergency Bursary Fund.

Giving Tuesday 2020 kicked off with a donation from VCC counsellor Cindy Sestak. “I think it's wonderful the work you do and that there are these emergency bursaries available to the many students who are in so much need at this time,” she says.

The next round of VCC COVID-19 bursary applications has not yet been announced, however students are also encouraged to search VCC’s online Scholarship, Bursary and Award Guide for additional funding options.

The road ahead

Over the coming months, VCC students will continue to face financial difficulties as the service economy slowly recovers.

VCC Administrative Assistant student Neriza Zano (pictured above) lost her job early in the COVID-19 pandemic, but continued with her studies from home. “Attending school during the pandemic was challenging,” she says. “It’s the simple things you miss, like getting handouts in class. I had to print all the resources at home,” she says.

After receiving her COVID-19 emergency bursary in mid-2020, Neriza says her financial burdens were eased, and she heartily thanks all the donors for supporting VCC students in difficult times. “I survived and graduated with a grateful heart."

To make a donation to VCC’s ongoing COVID-19 Emergency Bursary Fund or any other award, please visit VCC Foundation – Ways to Give or email