Archive News 2021

Posted on September 23, 2020

Future-proof your career with VCC technology programs

 Young Asian man using tablet and laptop computer 

Did you ever try to imagine what a COVID-19 lockdown would be like without technology? From online shopping to virtual meetings to Netflix and Instagram stories, digital technology has played a crucial role in keeping us connected and our society functioning over the past months.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated the development of technology in countless fields. Most of these advancements are here to stay, which means new jobs are also in the making. 

The Government of BC’s Economic Recovery Plan places technology development and education at the core of a “resilient economy, ” and Vancouver Community College (VCC) Continuing Studies interim dean Claire Sauvé sees this future fast approaching. “There are a lot of great opportunities right now to join this growing workforce; to re-skill or up-skill in technology,” she says. “These are directly employable skills.”

Check out some of VCC’s newest courses and programs designed to help you embrace the technology of today and be ready for tomorrow.

New Microsoft Azure credentials

VCC is proud to be the first public college in B.C. to offer Microsoft credentials in cloud computing – today’s leading trend for scalable, flexible storage and business operations that has proven to be an immense benefit during COVID-19.

Learn more about the new Microsoft Azure courses at VCC by attending an upcoming info session or the Technology session at our Experience VCC virtual open house on Oct. 6 and 7.

Digital business 

From restaurants to clothing boutiques, businesses small and large have turned to the digital world during COVID-19 to keep their products and services front of mind and available to customers. Part-time VCC courses like Digital Marketing (CMPT 1426), Facebook for Business (LERN 1420), and Solving Fit for Online Customers (FASH1125) offer expert, practical advice.

Learn more about these courses and more by attending the Business session at our Experience VCC virtual open house on Oct. 6 and 7.

AR/VR Design and Development

While still a great option for “escaping” into a fantasy world or video game, virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies are also behind many key advancements (and jobs) in technical trades training, health care simulations, industrial design, and more. 

Learn all about VCC’s new VR/AR Design and Development program offered in partnership with Vancouver Film School by attending the Technology session at our Experience VCC virtual open house on Oct. 6 and 7.

Associate of Science in Computing Science

New high school grads or those seeking comprehensive training in computing science can now complete two years of university-level credits at VCC. Unlike first- and second-year lectures at major universities, VCC classes are kept small, with students benefitting from individual attention and support. Students can obtain an associate’s degree for entry-level technician or programmer jobs, or advance into the third year of bachelor’s degree programs at the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, or other institutions. 

Learn more about this and VCC’s many other post-secondary pathways by attending the University Transfer session at our Experience VCC virtual open house on Oct. 6 and 7.

Let's talk about your future! Connect with a VCC program advisor by phone or Zoom to ask questions and plan your studies.