Archive News 2021

Posted on August 7, 2020

Five skills to help you prepare for the future of work

Experts predict that the nature of work will change substantially in a post-COVID world. Are you ready for the changes impacting businesses? Check out the following courses, available online this fall to help you round out your skill set and prepare you for the future of work: 

Online documentation 
Working from home indefinitely? Learn how to maximize your written communication skills in an online environment from our industry professionals and be sure you are getting your message across

Memos, emails, reports
Master the art of a well-crafted email and hone your business writing skills for a digital environment. 

Web development and programming
Improve your digital literacy by learning a coding language. VCC offers courses in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. Coding and web development skills are in demand in the emerging digital economy. 

Leading a team through a crisis is tough. Courses in change management, problem solving and action planning, and building productive teams will help you and your team weather the storm and prepare for the next one.
Finance and accounting
Sound financial management practices are crucial to business success, especially during a crisis. Check out our introductory level courses in financeaccountingpayroll, and bookkeeping to ensure you have a solid understanding of business principles that are relevant in any field.

Browse through all the available Continuing Studies courses offered online this fall.