Posted on September 3, 2020

What to know before coming to campus: Fall 2020



While most Vancouver Community College (VCC) programs and courses are being delivered off-campus during the Fall 2020 term, some students will be required to attend a VCC campus for in-class activities.

If you have been notified that you will be required to visit a VCC campus, review the following important information prior to your arrival on campus.

While we are happy to welcome you back to campus, students are required to follow all safety procedures as a way to help keep each other safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to give students updates through the VCC's COVID-19 information site.

If your class is on campus, please review the following topics:

Student self-assessment and Student IDs

  • Your instructor will send you a self-assessment survey via Moodle. Complete the survey before any visit to a VCC campus.
  • Bring your student identification card (VCC ID) with you
    • You will be required to show your VCC ID to security at the Downtown campus
    • You may be required to show your VCC ID to security while at the Broadway or Annacis

On-campus safety

To ensure the safety of all VCC students and employees, please:

  • Wash or sanitize your hands upon entering the campus and regularly throughout the day.
  • Limit your time on campus.
  • Maintain a two-metre distance from others, and respect all signs posted.
  • Avoid touching surfaces whenever possible.
  • Use proper respiratory hygiene practices.


Currently, approximately 30 per cent of washrooms at VCC are closed. Washroom availability will be based on ongoing campus occupancy. Open washrooms are clearly marked and located near high-traffic areas, central locations, and areas adjacent to elevators and stairs for ease of access.


Food service outlets including cafeterias, bakeries, and restaurants are closed. If you must spend a full day on campus, please plan to buy food elsewhere or bring a meal with you. Vending machines remain available. Please refrain from eating in classrooms.


The wearing of non-medical masks is recommended by the BC Centre for Disease Control, BC's Provincial Health Officer, and the Public Health Agency of Canada to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in instances where physical distancing cannot be consistently maintained.

To support the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors, it is strongly recommended that non-medical masks or face coverings be worn in all indoor common areas while on campus.

  • Common areas include building entryways, classrooms, labs, shops, washrooms, study areas, hallways, elevators, and stairwells.
  • According to the BC Centre for Disease Control, face coverings can also include a bandana, niq?b, scarf, or neck gaiter.

Masks and face coverings do not replace physical distancing, hand washing, and staying at home if you are sick as the most effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

It is also important to remember that some people may have barriers that prevent them from wearing a mask. Whether someone is wearing a mask or not, all students and staff at VCC should be treated with respect. 

Learn more about how to access VCC student services remotely by visiting VCC's COVID-19 information site.