Posted on June 2, 2020

VCC Spring 2020 Student Awards recap

On Tuesday, June 2, Vancouver Community College (VCC) was proud to celebrate 189 deserving students at our Spring 2020 Student Awards ceremonies. 

To maintain safe physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, the awards ceremony was held via Zoom for donors and recipients, with a Facebook Live stream available for friends and family. 

The ceremony began with a video message of congratulations, gratitude, and encouragement from VCC president and CEO Ajay Patel, and a live greeting from VCC Foundation Board chair Ken Cretney. 

VCC’s deans then introduced the awards and displayed the names and bios of award recipients for the School of Health Sciences, the School of Hospitality, Food Studies and Applied Business, the School of School of Trades, Technology and Design, the Centre for Continuing Studies, the School of Instructor Education, and the School of Arts and Sciences.

Student Awards video feature

Each year, the VCC Foundation selects one or more outstanding Student Award recipients to profile in a video feature. This spring, the honour went to four international students from VCC’s automotive collision and refinishing program, Junghoon Song, Dalvir (Lucky) Singh, Tien Du, and Yulianto (Mike) Setaiawan, all recipients of awards from BMW Group.

A special tribute was also paid to Paul Bird, Regional Development Specialist at BMW, who passed away only a few weeks ago. Paul coordinated the BMW awards with VCC and was a treasured friend to the college and the VCC Foundation.  

Special alumni presentation

As a unique surprise for attendees of our first-ever online Student Awards ceremony, a group of VCC Music alumni (who had never worked together before this!) created an original music video arrangement of the 1939 Wizard of Oz classic “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.”

Did you know? The VCC Foundation has been working hard to help students meet their basic needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. LEARN MORE >