Posted on June 3, 2020

Second round of COVID-19 emergency bursaries now open



Thanks to generous donations from last month’s Giving Tuesday Now campaign, the VCC Foundation has been able to open a second round of COVID-19 emergency bursary funding, with $50,000 now available to VCC students in need of financial assistance due to the pandemic. 

This second round of bursaries is possible thanks to donations by longstanding supporters including Rick Hatswell of The Craftsman Group, motorcycle retailer Deeley Group, as well as both existing and new donors, including VCC alumni, employees, and community members. 

Who can apply?

Any VCC student can apply who:

  • is able to show financial need,
  • is registered in full-time/part-time studies at VCC, and
  • has no outstanding debts at VCC.

When to apply

Applications for the second round of emergency bursary funding opened on June 1, 2020, with a deadline of June 15, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. 

How to apply

Complete the Emergency Bursary application form and email it to‌.‌ 

More funding options 

To learn more about other financial help available to VCC students, please see the list of resources on our COVID-19 information page.

Students are also encouraged review VCC's online Scholarship, Bursary and Award Guide, available through VCC Financial Aid

Read more about our student bursary and award recipients, and the donors who are helping them reach their goals.