Posted on February 28, 2020

Premier John Horgan announces new B.C. tuition grants at VCC


 L to R: VCC Vice President Academic, Students and Research David Wells, VCC Hospitality Management student Mandy Wan, Minister Melanie Mark, Premier John Horgan, VCC Board of Governors student representative Armor Valor Corrales


On Friday, Feb. 28, Vancouver Community College (VCC) was pleased to welcome B.C. Premier John Horgan and Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training to our joint VCC/BCIT heavy mechanical trades training facility at the Annacis Island campus for an exciting announcement about grant funding for post-secondary students.

The new B.C. Access Grant will offer up to $4,000 of non-repayable funding per year to low- and middle-income students in post-secondary programs across B.C. As requested by student groups, these grants will also be available to students at the beginning of their studies to help with up-front tuition costs, rather than at the end.

Another change will see funding will be made available to students in programs under two years in length, such as certificate and diploma programs, which includes the majority of programs offered at VCC.

“The new B.C. Access Grant will positively impact the lives of many VCC students,” said VCC interim president Ajay Patel. “It removes financial barriers and provides opportunities for those looking to change careers or upgrade their skills. We thank the provincial government for this additional support in helping B.C. students reach their goals.”

“The new B.C. Access Grant will break down financial barriers and enable thousands more students to get a college or university education in their chosen fields,” said Premier John Horgan.

The government estimates that more than 40,000 low- and middle-income students will be eligible for the new B.C. Access Grant, which will be available starting in Fall 2020. 

“The new grant will open doors to post-secondary education for thousands of British Columbians who were shut out for far too long,” said Minister Mark. “This is a game changer that will benefit students who need it the most.”

