Posted on April 23, 2020

New government programs support student summer jobs during COVID-19



On Wednesday, April 22, the Government of Canada announced new measures to help post-secondary students and recent graduates access jobs and financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“To promote a sustainable economic recovery, we need a strong workforce and good job opportunities for young people,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “That means giving them the support they need to continue their studies and encouraging them to serve their communities.” 

Canada Emergency Student Benefit

Updated May 13, 2020

The Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) will provide support for eligible students and new graduates who are not eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. This benefit provides $1,250 per month for eligible students or $2,000 per month for students with dependants or a disability. 

The benefit will be available from May to August 2020. Applications can be made starting Friday, May 15, 2020 via the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). LEARN MORE >

Canada Student Service Grant

A new Canada Student Service Grant will provide up to $5,000 to students who choose to do national service and help their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The government has announced plans to launch a new “I Want to Help" platform to provide information about available service opportunities, as well as the application process. 

Additional changes announced to benefit post-secondary students include:

  • increasing the Canada Student Grants amounts to $6,000 for full-time students,
  • broadening eligibility and raising amounts for the Canada Student Loan program,            
  • increasing supports for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis students,
  • removing the maximum 20-hour per week work restriction for international students in essential services, and
  • boosting youth employment strategies to create 76,000 summer jobs for young people.

For ongoing updates on resources and supports available to VCC students, visit VCC’s COVID-19 information site.