Archive News 2020

Posted on December 16, 2014

New December ESL update - Revised

ESL Update StudentsRegistration to open soon for winter semester ESL courses

Vancouver Community College’s board of governors met in a Monday morning conference call to approve the new English as a Second Language (ESL) programming.

"The board members indicated the ESL programming is very important to the future of VCC and should be continued," said VCC President Peter Nunoda. "The fact that we’ve been able to put together ESL programming in such a compressed period of time is a testament to our team’s dedication and hard work."

Tuition is set at $1,600 per term or $4,800 per year per full-time student. Some other facts about the new ESL programming:

  • VCC will teach up to 671 full-time students annually under these available offerings (full-time and part-time options are available).
  • Students will receive instructional time of 20 hours per week (per 1 instructor) in a class size of 31 students (maximum).
  • Out of 70 faculty layoffs, 6 took voluntary departure incentives; and of the remaining 64 laid off, we’ll now be able to retain 32 instructors (more than previously assessed).
  • We will offer 19 full-time classes of the ESL Pathways program, with a total of 38 course options.
  • In addition, we will offer three classes of College Preparatory English (CPE).

Students will be able to register for winter ESL courses within the next few days, as soon as VCC Registrar’s Office can complete the registration system.

December 9, 2014

Over 600 students and 23 instructors to stay in renewed ESL programming

Vancouver, B.C. – Under the new tuition-based program allowed by the government, Vancouver Community College (VCC) will be able to offer the new Pathways ESL program as well as College Preparatory English (CPE) as part of its English as a Second Language (ESL) programming.

“We are committed to keeping as many ESL offerings as possible,” said VCC President, Peter Nunoda. “At the same time we need to fund them sustainably. Since the government announcement last week, we’ve been working overtime to ensure we have solid ESL programming starting next January.”

The new ESL programming will include the following (subject to board of governors’ approval):

  • VCC will charge tuition fees for all ESL courses beginning January 2015;
  • tuition fees will be determined by December 15, 2014;
  • 23 faculty positions will be retained;
  • four support staff will be recalled;
  • over 600 students will be able to enrol in two Pathways Certificates and CPE 099

To help offset the cost of tuition and other associated costs, students will be able to apply for Adult Upgrading grants.

As of January 2015, VCC’s ESL offerings will include:

  • Pathways Certificates
  • LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada)
  • CPE
  • Combined skills programs:
    • Health Care Assistant – ESL
    • Culinary Arts – ESL
    • Baking and Pastry Arts – ESL

VCC will be reaching out directly to eligible students to invite them to enrol in ESL courses.


Media contact:
Victoria (Tori) Klassen
Director, Marketing and Communications
Vancouver Community College
T: 778.873.1513 