Posted on June 10, 2019

New Computer Systems Technology program opens doors to software careers



If all goes according to schedule, the first grads from Vancouver Community College’s (VCC) new Computer Systems Technology Diploma (CST) program will be entering the workforce shortly after Amazon opens its doors only a block away from VCC’s Downtown campus.

Will VCC grads be crossing the street into ready-made jobs? CST head instructor Reza Nezami believes it’s definitely possible, but also knows there are plenty of jobs in Vancouver’s growing tech industry ­­– even if the new neighbours aren’t hiring.

"Software engineer and developer jobs in Vancouver just keep opening up. It’s endless right now,” says Reza.

According to WorkBC, computer programmers continue to be in high demand with more than 8,000 job openings predicted between now and 2028. The B.C. Tech Association estimates there are 100,000 people employed provincially in the sector with a median salary of more than $80,000 per year.

New work, new space

CST students this September will also be the first to study in VCC’s new, state-of-the-art computer labs featuring a street-level entrance, plenty of natural light, and cutting-edge equipment.

Taught by industry professionals, the two-year, full-time CST program will offer students hands-on instruction in software solutions, mobile apps, and website development, while introducing the latest concepts in enterprise systems, cloud computing, machine learning (AI), and security.

Who is best suited for this in-demand career? According to Reza, creative problem-solvers and team players will thrive in this industry. “Writing, updating, or debugging code can be a long process and it requires a great attention to detail,” says Reza, “but it’s very rewarding for those who have an interest in creating new and innovative products.”

Learn more and ask questions about the widely-recognized Computer Systems Technology Diploma at an upcoming free info session.