Posted on September 5, 2018

Media release: Vancouver Foundation gift supports Deaf and hard of hearing



VANCOUVER, B.C. – Vancouver Community College (VCC) has accepted a generous gift of $150,000 from the Vancouver Foundation to support the expansion of employment training programs for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals. 

This gift will enable VCC to design and offer bridging programs that provide Deaf and hard of hearing students with accessible, certified trades training in four major industries: food services, transportation trades, salon and spa, and technology.  

Deaf and hard of hearing individuals experience significantly higher unemployment rates than the general population for numerous reasons including lack of access to job training. 

“When a program can be tailored towards the needs of Deaf and hard of hearing students, it offers them the opportunity to fully participate through group activities and class discussions. VCC continues to develop important programs that are instrumental to Deaf and hard of hearing people’s lives. These types of programs prepare the students for the workforce,” says Linda Franchi, PhD, Head of Counselling Services at Western Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (WIDHH). 

VCC has championed Deaf education in B.C. for over 40 years, working with community service partners and local businesses to educate potential employers on the benefits of hiring a Deaf, hard of hearing, and Deafblind individuals. Through VCC’s current Deaf and Hard of Hearing – Job Readiness program, students have participated in internships at nearly 100 businesses across Metro Vancouver, with many moving on to full employment.

About the Vancouver Foundation 

The Vancouver Foundation is Canada’s largest community foundation, working throughout B.C. to harness the gifts of ideas, money, time and energy to build a lasting legacy: healthy, vibrant, and livable communities. VCC is proud to partner with Vancouver Foundation to develop greater opportunities for people of all abilities.

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Media can contact:

Fareedah Rasoul Kim
Marketing and communications officer
Vancouver Community College
604.871.7000, ext. 7538