Posted on July 2, 2020

Media Release: Unique online event to create connections in graphic design



VANCOUVER – Many design professionals rely on industry events and conferences to make connections and build their careers, but with a ban on large gatherings in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Vancouver Community College (VCC)’s Digital Media Design department has developed a new way to forge social connections in the industry.

Using expert skills in online learning, VCC faculty created Connected by Design – a unique, online social event built specifically to help designers and design enthusiasts make lasting connections. 

“We want to give designers something they’re sorely missing – the ability to meet each other and nerd out about design,” says Anne Emberline, department head of Digital Media Design at VCC and director of the event. 

Taking place Wednesday, July 22 from 1 to 3 p.m., Connected by Design will use short talks as fuel for small-group activities where attendees will make meaningful connections through intimate, guided discussion and collaborative, creative challenges. The point isn’t to present information – it’s to allow attendees to be social.

The event is supported by VCC graphic design alumni, who volunteered their time by designing the event’s promotional materials. Tickets are available at $10 ($5 for students), and 100 per cent of sales will be donated to VCC’s COVID-19 Emergency Bursary Fund for struggling students. 

Connected by Design is our way of giving back,” says Anne. “As the COVID-19 crisis forced us to move our face-to-face graphic programs online, we ended up wondering how we could use our innovations in online learning to offer something valuable to our industry.”

For tickets and more information, visit


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Media can contact:

Anne Emberline
Department Head, Digital Media Design
Vancouver Community College
T: 604.916.2663

Reg Romero
Marketing and Communications Officer
Vancouver Community College
T: 604.871.7000, ext. 7133