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Posted on September 9, 2014

Go Ahead: C.A.R.E. Big

Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre (WAVAW), VCC, and the SUVCC are proud to announce celebrations titled Go Ahead: C.A.R.E. Big on Sept. 17 and 18 to highlight the accomplishments of C.A.R.E. (Campus Allied Response Effort) About Gendered Violence.

C.A.R.E., a groundbreaking initiative led by WAVAW with funding from Status of Women Canada and WAVAW donors, has resulted in a three-year campus action plan for VCC to champion a campus culture of respect and safety for women and to become a model for other post-secondary institutions. During a time when violence against women on campuses has become a major public concern, VCC is committed to proactively stopping violence at its roots.

Through the three-year campus action plan, VCC will integrate anti-violence education and practices at all levels of the college. C.A.R.E.’s impact has already been evident to VCC student and Students’ Union Chairperson Harpal Malhi, who noted, “The C.A.R.E. project has been a unique opportunity for the VCC community to come together and find ways to make campus more inclusive and safe for everyone.” VCC’s leaders agree that there is much to celebrate in C.A.R.E.’s accomplishments and future legacy; in the words of Vice-President of Education and Student Services, John Woudzia, “The C.A.R.E. About Gendered Violence project has been an outstanding success and has provided VCC with invaluable data and insights into this important issue that will benefit the entire college for many years to come.”

Go Ahead: C.A.R.E. Big celebrations will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 17 in the Broadway campus building B event space and on Thursday, September 18 in the Downtown campus atrum, both from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. According to C.A.R.E. coordinator Alana Prochuk, these events will “showcase VCC’s enormous achievements in stepping up to deal with this hugely important issue. We are so proud of everything we’ve accomplished in partnership with the college, and we’re so excited to witness and support VCC’s next steps to ensure safety and inclusion for women and people of all genders.”



Media can contact:



Alana Prochuk, C.A.R.E. Coordinator

Karen Wilson, Marketing & Communications Officer

WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre

Vancouver Community College

Phone: 604.255.6228 extension 222

Phone: 604.871.7000 ext.7429

