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Posted on December 15, 2017

VCC English tutor publishes guide for newcomers

News-Kari-book-292‌Congratulations to Kari Karlsbjerg, English tutor at the VCC Learning Centre, on publishing a new book, My New Life in Vancouver. Written with input and translations from former VCC student Yi Zheng, this book is a guide to life and everyday culture in Vancouver, written specifically for newcomers from China. 

Over the years, Kari has helped hundreds of Chinese newcomers to Canada learn English. Countless times, she’s seen that, while learning the language is important, it doesn't enable someone to fully participate in society. This inspired her to write a book assisting newcomers to meaningfully participate in local life in Vancouver.

The book has almost 400 entries about Vancouver schools, parks, clubs, and venues, tips about the local lifestyle (laid back), customs (what to expect in everyday situations), how to get around, pieces of advice from other immigrants (including Zheng), and many small English lessons and words of encouragement for taking on a new language and living in a new country.

Each entry in the book is presented in English and Chinese, so it will be a valuable guide to even the newest language-learners. 


Get My New Life in Vancouver on and in select bookstores in Vancouver.