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Posted on November 14, 2016

Team Canada lays it all on the line at Culinary Olympics

News-culinary-olympics-MOBILE-292aFrom Oct. 22 – 25, 2016, Culinary Team Canada, including many Vancouver Community College (VCC) instructors and alumni, showcased their skills on the world stage at the Internationale Kochkunst Ausstellung (IKA) International Culinary Exhibition (Culinary Olympics), in Erfurt, Germany. 

The 15-member, Vancouver-based team finished eighth overall, combining one silver and two gold medal scores in categories including cold appetizers, pastry art, and a three-course hot kitchen menu.

“It’s all about execution,” says team coach and VCC chef instructor Tobias MacDonald. “We were well-practiced and the team did a fantastic job representing Canada.”

National teams tackle IKA competition requirements over the course of two days under strict timelines and controlled conditions, with judges scrutinizing every move. As in any world-class competition, adrenaline runs­­ high. “For these chefs, it’s years of your life on the line, and it can all come down to a single move,” says MacDonald.

Team Canada’s menu items also strongly represented West Coast ingredients, including Northern Divine sturgeon, BC side stripe prawns, chanterelles, and Blue Goose beef tenderloin.

Held once every four years, the Culinary Olympics is the ultimate test of the brigade’s preparation and teamwork, perfected during past international competitions such as the Salon Culinaire Mondial in Switzerland, and the Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg.

Culinary Team Canada members:

Team Manager
JC Felicella – VCC alumnus, former instructor

Tobias MacDonald – VCC alumnus, instructor
Bruno Marti – honorary VCC alumnus

Core Team
Scott Jaeger – VCC alumnus
Cameron Huley – Red River College alumnus
Ryan Stone – VCC alumnus
Iain Rennie – Vancouver Island University alumnus
Jason Harris – VCC alumnus
Fumiko Moreton – Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts alumna

Scott Torgerson – Red River College alumnus

Support Team

Hamid Salimian – VCC alumnus, instructor
Laura Sharpe Dawe – VCC alumna, instructor
Shawn Lang – VCC instructor
Daniel Davyduke – VCC alumnus
James Hutton – former VCC instructor


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