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Upcoming website maintenance, Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 5 - 8 p.m. PDT
Posted on September 24, 2014

Random Acts of Green contest

VCC’s Random Acts of Green contest is well underway. Thank you to those who have been participating by tweeting and posting their Random Act of Green to @greenvcc and to VCC’s sustainability Facebook page. The Random Acts of Green contest is open until Monday, October 13, with prizes being drawn weekly. Don't forget that the more you post, like and retweet, the more time you'll be entered to win. 

‌Students, staff and faculty continue to support our initiative to make VCC’s campuses a greener place, and in doing so are not only helping the environment, but are winning lots of great prizes. The music department's student service coordinator, Jodi Van Brunt says "up until the new recycling program was put in place, I used to take her recyclables home".


Acts of green can be anything from:

  • Turning off the lights
  • Recycling
  • Taking transit or cycling to one of the two VCC campuses
  • Using a re-usable coffee mug
  • Printing less
  • Using less paper

These random acts of green add up. Be part of the movement and submit your act of green today! 

 Contest rules:

Prizes valued at over $500, and include VCC swag bags, gift certificates to JJ’s, the bookstore and MEC. Prizes will be randomly drawn each week with new entries from that week; must have a valid VCC ID to claim your prize. Liking or following the VCC sustainability Facebook or Twitter earns an additional entry for that week. The person in the photo is the one entered to win the prize, and will be emailed at their VCC email if they are not tagged with a social media account. Prize winners with a social media account will be announced on the VCC sustainability Twitter and Facebook pages, and contacted through personal message.