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Posted on December 18, 2018

Q&A with VCC makeup artistry grad Kelly Bui



Get to know VCC makeup artistry graduate Kelly Bui.

What is your current job?
I am currently a freelance makeup artist. My main focus is on bridal and commercial makeup.

Share an interesting thing about your journey.
Prior to being a paid artist, I did a lot of free work to help build my portfolio. I volunteered to do makeup whenever I had spare time. This gave me the opportunity to gain valuable experience and to meet some of the most amazing people in the industry. It also led to paid gigs and referrals. Even now, I do volunteer and trade work in my spare time as it challenges me to work with different people in different kinds of environments. Hard work does pay off so don’t give up on something you love.

What was the best part about studying at VCC?
I liked that the tuition fees were affordable. I enjoyed the smaller class sizes which allowed me to have more one-on-one time with the instructors and I was able to get to know my classmates so we could learn tips and tricks from each other.

Where on campus was your favourite place to take a break?
Since I took mostly night classes, my favourite place was the cafeteria. I’d go there to grab a coffee before class and would sit there with my iPad and browse the internet for inspiration.

What would people be surprised to know about being a makeup artist?
People would be surprised that there are so many different career paths: freelance, film, special FX, blogger, celebrity makeup artist, counter work, and more. I still find myself taking additional courses or training to enhance my skills. Makeup is always changing, and keeping up with trends is always fun.


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