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Posted on April 10, 2014

New agreement provides language training for newcomers

LINC udpateNewcomers to Canada will have more opportunities to improve their English language skills, thanks to the signing of a two-year agreement between Vancouver Community College (VCC) and Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

 On March 31, 2014, VCC and CIC signed a $9.4-million contribution agreement that will see VCC continue to deliver settlement language training (also known as Language Instructions for Newcomers to Canada, or LINC) for the next two years (2014 to 2016) to newcomers eligible under CIC guidelines.

 The agreement means that over the next two years, VCC can deliver approximately 43 classes per term (with four terms each year) to help students improve their English skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening; gain knowledge about community resources and life in Canada; and gain greater confidence and independence to access services, and to participate in their Canadian communities.

 “VCC has been a leader in providing language training for over 40 years. This agreement means we can continue to support a key demographic to improve their skills and ultimately contribute to the workforce, the community and the economy,” says Doug Callbeck, VCC Interim President, “We’re proud that VCC has been recognized for its efforts and contributions to language training and hope to be able to continue to help newcomers on the path to success in Canada by providing critical language skills, as well as important knowledge about life in Canada.”

 Under the agreement VCC will deliver LINC training at Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) levels 1 to 6. Classes will be offered at VCC's Broadway Campus at 1155 East Broadway, Vancouver. More information about LINC classes at VCC is available at