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Posted on October 8, 2019

High-tech simulated hospital on display at Experience VCC


Tours, demonstrations, and entertainment will all play a role in introducing prospective students to Vancouver Community College’s (VCC) 120 programs when the school hosts its Experience VCC open house on Wednesday, Oct. 16.  

Experience VCC is a great way to start research about your post-secondary and career options in an interactive setting where you can meet and talk to faculty from various departments,” says Janita Schappert, VCC’s practical nursing department head, who is involved in planning the health department’s information booth. “It’s a large forum, with each department showcasing special aspects of their programs.” 

In the case of Schappert’s department, attendees of Experience VCC — being held at the Broadway Campus from 3 to 6 p.m. – will be able to tour the simulated hospital environment, which includes a pharmacy, nursing station, physio labs, and hospital rooms, where students from programs such as practical nursing, nursing (BScN), and access to practical nursing conduct some of their hands-on learning. 

“We have two floors of labs, so they are in a designated area to give that realistic hospital experience,” says Schappert. “In our labs, students are able to practice the skills they are learning in a supportive learning environment on high-fidelity mannequins that, for example, respond to pain stimulus.” 

With waiting lists for VCC’s practical nursing and nursing (BScN) programs, Schappert says access to practical nursing – to which registration is currently open for the September 2020 intake – is an ideal opportunity for learners with previous education to earn their practical nursing diploma in just 13 months. 

Geared towards those with certificates in health care assistant, resident care attendant or combined home support/resident care attendant as well as internationally educated nurses, the program prepares students to provide nursing care by combining theoretical and experiential learning.

“There are four levels to the program and each level is reinforced by a consolidated practice experience, which reinforces the learning that has taken place in that level,” says Schappert. “The program ends in a full-time practice experience called a preceptorship, during which students spend six weeks working side-by-side with a preceptor and further preparing for the role and expectations of the field.”


Attend and win! All Experience VCC guests will have a chance to win $1,000 in VCC tuition. RSVP now to join us on Oct. 16.