Archive 2013-2019
Fall 2017 convocation recap

"You're here today to celebrate your accomplishment. The Premier, John Horgan, and I are so proud of you. You are the future, you're innovators, you're our builders. You are going to service our community. So thank you so much for your sacrifice and your leadership."
- Honourable Melanie Mark
Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training
Video address
Vancouver Community College is proud to announce the graduation of 1,195 hardworking and dedicated students on Thursday, November 23, 2017. This year’s fall convocation took place at 1 p.m. in a single ceremony at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.
Areas of study awarding degrees, diplomas, and certificates included:
- School of Health Sciences
- School of Hospitality, Food Studies and Applied Business
- School of Trades, Technology and Design
- School of Arts and Sciences
- Centre for Continuing Studies
- Division of Library and Teaching and Learning Services
Valedictorian Melanie Bredo, Dental Reception Coordinator program, addressed the graduating class with a motivating message:
“Look at what we have all accomplished; the knowledge we have gained, the relationships we have developed, the confidence in ourselves to try something new. This sense of pride and accomplishment is something that I can only hope will carry us all forward and prepare us for whatever changes come in our lives. To the graduating class, I ask that you inspire change in others and enjoy the opportunities that will present themselves to you. And to use those opportunities to lay the path for success."
VCC alumna Roshni Kashyap, an Outstanding Alumni Award winner, offered some heartfelt advice to this year's graduating class:
"Follow your passion, whatever it may be. Listen to your heart. Nothing comes easy, so work at it. Think big and you will be big. Make it happen for yourself. If I can do it, each one of you can do it too."