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Posted on February 2, 2016

College revamping hospitality bachelor's program

News-hospitality-380After an administrative review of its Bachelor of Hospitality Management Executive Cohort program, Vancouver Community College (VCC) is preparing for a September re-launch of the offering aimed at students with significant professional management experience and accomplishments in the hospitality and related industries.

“We’re thrilled to again be offering this option,” says Michael Tittel, VCC’s department leader of hospitality management diploma and degree programs. “It allows students to complete the 60-credit course requirement for the degree within 12 months rather than the two years it typically takes to complete our bachelor of Hospitality Management program.”

Those who previously finished a diploma and work in mid- to senior levels of hospitality management will benefit from the program’s 20 courses, which, says Tittel, will focus on areas such as finance, leadership and entrepreneurship through a combination of theory and practical learning.

“This is a global industry and if, for example, someone wants to go to the U.S. but doesn’t have a bachelor degree, they won’t get that opportunity,” he says. “This program is the key that helps students to unlock opportunities on a much larger, global basis.”

With a delivery format that will include evening and weekend classes, online learning, condensed courses, as well as a capstone course that involves self-directed study, the executive cohort option ensures students can keep up with their current responsibilities.

“Students in the program won’t have to give up their jobs and will be taking this program as an educational component above and beyond their job,” says Tittel.

In addition to the 12-month executive cohort and the two-year bachelor of Hospitality Management programs, VCC also facilitates a two-year Hospitality Management diploma, which Tittel says is designed as an entry point into the industry.

“If I could simplify it: A diploma will get you a job and a degree will get you into a career,” he says. “With our diploma program, we give you the basics that will allow you to go up the career ladder two rungs at a time compared to someone who doesn’t have an education.”


Original article published in Metro Vancouver.

Learn more about VCC's .
(For details on the new Executive Cohort, click on the "Program Description" box and view "Accelerated Program.")